some people I know -1

Enough has been said and heard about Nikhil agarwal. May be written too.
And why not ? Its him , of course . Nikhil agarwal who knows everyone and everybody knows him.
So, its his birthday today , (oh no.. its yesterday now) and though I said I would call him , but he would understand, like he always does !
And ,even if I do call him, all I will remember is ‘chetnaaaa.. feel aa gayi !’.
And today I came across some of the pics and videos which were stashed in some corner of my hard disk – looks like friendship day party at his suryavihar place .
And though , I may say we were so crazy and stupid back then , but deep down, I want to be there .. with all those crazy people , with all that craziness .
Though things have changed now - though we may hide stuff from each other , though we may no longer share our stupidity ,
But after all , something remains. I cant tell exactly what but no matter what , he is there .
May be dormant, but at the back of my head , his smile lurks .. and I know , when I am my most inglorious self, that devil of a smile will give me a reason to grin back. If not grin , atleast roll my eyes and go ‘oh, Nikhil !’
Happy birthday !


Nikhil said…
Thank you chetna :)

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